SAGA Charitable Trust is a non-governmental organization started in 2008 committed to 'Training Lives to Save Lives’, which focuses on training non-medical persons on life-saving skills. SAGA is committed to its mission and has been offering this service for the past 15 years and has trained almost 20,000 individuals to save more lives.
Emergencies can happen at any time, in any place and to anyone. Emergencies could vary from needing just simple first aid to becoming unconscious. Lives are lost due to various medical emergencies, sudden cardiac arrest and accidents. Preparedness and awareness of handling such emergencies by lay persons as first responders is very vital which is very much lacking in our society. Majority wait for professional help to arrive by which time many lives are lost. Though it is not possible to have a doctor in every family, a trained first responder could be a social doctor. So SAGA Charitable trust is committed to positively influencing the outcome of lives saved, by systematically training at least one member in each family who will be able to make the right decision while awaiting medical help.
Many lives can be saved by organ transplants but lives are lost due to lack of donors. Donors can be live donors or after death. Misconceptions about organ donation prevent people from donating organs. SAGA Charitable trust is committed to bringing about awareness amongst the general public to dispel the myths of organ donation and encourage people to donate organs to save lives.
SAGA Charitable trust creates awareness and works closely with MOHAN Foundation which is involved in the process of guiding people in organ donation. MOHAN Foundation is a not-for-profit, a non-governmental organization started to promote organ donation in 1997 in Chennai, whose mission is to ensure that every Indian who is suffering from end-stage organ failure be provided with the 'gift of life’ through a life-saving organ. For help regarding organ donation please visit the website