SAGA Course

Save A Life Give A Life

Course Objectives:

On completion of the course, the participants will
  • understand that there will an increase in survival from sudden cardiac arrest by alerting people to phone 108 and begin early CPR and defibrillation.
  • By enhancing the rescuers knowledge of early access, early CPR, and early defibrillation, the lay rescuer will be more confident and calm in an emergency situation.
  • Manage victims of choking
  • be able to initiate intervention in the first few minutes of medical emergencies (including Breathing problems, Chest pain and heart attack, Fainting, Diabetes, Stroke, Seizures and Environmental emergencies and injury Bleeding you can see, Bleeding you can’t see, Shock, Broken bones, sprains, and bruises Burns and electrocution ) until professional help arrives which will help in early recovery.
  • Understand that by donating organs, the closest a person can come to giving life to another individual
  • Duration: 2-3 Hours
  • Contact Person: Ms. Rooba Devi
  • Target Audience:General Public